The scandal, the mystery, and the beauty of Christianity is this: God Himself entered into our brokenness. In the person of Jesus, He united His divinity with our frailty, our suffering, our pain. We call this the Incarnation—the moment when the Creator of the universe chose to dwell among us in all of our mess and confusion. He didn’t stay distant or aloof. He stepped into our world and became one with us.


The scandal, the mystery, and the beauty of Christianity is this: God Himself entered into our brokenness. In the person of Jesus, He united His divinity with our frailty, our suffering, our pain. We call this the Incarnation—the moment when the Creator of the universe chose to dwell among us in all of our mess and confusion. He didn’t stay distant or aloof. He stepped into our world and became one with us. 〰️

Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope begins December 24!

See the Announcements tab for more information!

For all Upcoming Events Click the Button Below!


Christmas Eve, Tuesday Dec 24th

5pm (English), 7pm (Spanish),

12 midnight Bilingual (Eng & Span)

  • Christmas Day, Wednesday Dec 25th 8am, 10am (English),

    12 noon (Spanish)

The Nativity of our Lord December 25this a Holy Day of Obligation - No Adoration on Wednesday, Dec 25th

St. Mary’s Parish



Parish Office Temporary Hours

December 18th through Jan 3rd - Monday: 12pm to 1pm, Tuesday through Friday: 9am to 1pm,

Closed December 24th. 25th, & Jan 1st.

St. Mary’s Parish

350 Stinson Ave, Vacaville, CA 95688

Parish Office Hours

Monday: 2pm - 4pm

Tuesday to Thursday: 9 am - 1pm &

2 pm - 4pm

Friday: 9 am - 1pm

(707) 448- 2390


Religious Education Office

(707) 509-3352


Become a Parishioner of St. Mary’s Parish

Registrece como feligres de Santa Maria

To register in the parish please download and complete the registration form and return it to the parish office or click here to register online.

Para registrarse como feligres, descargue y complete la forma y entregela a la oficina parroquial o presione aqui para regristarse en linea

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