The foundation of our Christian courage and confidence lies in our relationship with a God who reveals Himself as our loving, attentive Heavenly Father. Take a moment to reflect on this truth: God is our Father. Like any good parent, He provides for our needs. Jesus reminds us of this. (Father Soliven).


The foundation of our Christian courage and confidence lies in our relationship with a God who reveals Himself as our loving, attentive Heavenly Father. Take a moment to reflect on this truth: God is our Father. Like any good parent, He provides for our needs. Jesus reminds us of this. (Father Soliven). 〰️

Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope has begun!

See the Announcements tab for more information!

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St. Mary’s Parish



St. Mary’s Parish

350 Stinson Ave, Vacaville, CA 95688

Parish Office Hours

Monday: 2pm - 4pm

Tuesday to Thursday: 9 am - 1pm &

2 pm - 4pm

Friday: 9 am - 1pm

(707) 448- 2390


Religious Education Office

(707) 509-3352


Become a Parishioner of St. Mary’s Parish

Registrece como feligres de Santa Maria

To register in the parish please download and complete the registration form and return it to the parish office or click here to register online.

Para registrarse como feligres, descargue y complete la forma y entregela a la oficina parroquial o presione aqui para regristarse en linea

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