We’re glad you’re here. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here.
It is often said that one of the most important parts of the Catholic Church is the parish. Why? Because the parish impacts people’s lives. It is in the parish setting where a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ is offered,
It is here that we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, listen to the Word of God proclaimed, find forgiveness of sins in Reconciliation, and receive Sacraments that graft us to Christ. It is here that we sing, pray, and adore our Lord. It is here that we offer many ways to live to our faith, to reach out and share the Joy of Christ with others.
The parish is a living, breathing entity. Why? Because in it, God interacts with his people. We pray that this will be your experience of St. Mary’s. We hope that you will find warmth and hospitality here in a spiritually nourishing environment, and that you encounter Christ.
Please find out more about who we are in the St. Mary’s Parish Vision and Mission Statements below:
To Jesus through Mary
What is our
Vision Statement?
“That everyone hears God’s call and respond’s to his love.”
What is our Mission Statement?
“We exist to love God in all aspects of our lives and to invite everyone we encounter to share in his life as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
See our mission expanded below
We exist to be a people…
· committed to surrendering our lives completely to our Lord Jesus Christ.
· committed to encountering Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
· committed to being a sign of Christ’s presence in the community.
· committed to prayer, meditation, and adoration.
· committed to studying the Word of God in Sacred Scripture.
· committed to authentic devotion to Mary, the Mother of God.
· committed to service and works of mercy.
. committed to our youth and young adults.
. committed to the homebound.
· committed to the person in crisis.
· committed to those who suffer in times of hunger or thirst.
· committed to those who mourn.
· committed to the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
· committed to assistance to women facing difficult or crisis pregnancies.
· committed to women’s reproductive health care that is life-affirming.
· committed to the support and strengthening of family life.
· committed to discernment of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.