“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
-Mark 10: 14
The Atrium
is a specially prepared space for the child, with beautiful handmade material, and montessori style work for the children. Here even the youngest children can build deep, lifelong relationships with Christ and His Church.
Level I Atrium
3 to 6 year olds
The level I atrium lays the foundation for the child’s encounter with the Catholic community of faith. In the atrium, work and study spontaneously become meditation, contemplation, and prayer.
Our level I atrium is for children 3 to six years old . We welcome the youngest three year olds who are toilet trained. The children meet on a weekly basis for two hour sessions. They are given presentations, when they are ready, and then work with that presentation at their own pace. They learn about the life of Jesus, the Mass, the Catholic Liturgical year, and practical life skills.
Level II Atrium
6 to 9 year olds
The level II atrium builds on the foundation for the child’s encounter with the Catholic community of faith. The child’s religious experiences are deepened, which facilitates greater participation in the wider community of out Church. Here the children will prepare to receive their sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession.
The children receive a spiral expansion of the Level I presentations.
Upcoming events
March 11, 2024
1st Communion Interviews
March 11, 2024
Last Family Mass/Potluck
March 21st 5:00pm
Retuning Families Priority Registration:
Now - April 30th
New Families:
Please attend the registration meeting on May 19th @ 11:30 am (Eng) or 12:30pm (Spa)
Space is limited and priority is given to active St. Mary’s parishioners
For more information about the program, please give us a call or Email us!
T: (707) 301-7151 Email: