St. Mary’s Adult Ministry

St. Mary’s Adult Ministry is the umbrella which encompasses a variety of adult ministry groups: The Holy Family Grief Support Group, The Women’s Rosary Group, St. Mary’s Men’s Prayer Group, Hearts and Hands Ministry, and the Funeral Reception/Helping Hands Ministry.

Mission Statement

St. Mary’s Adult Ministry strives to cultivate holiness and unity within the Body of Christ, by accompanying parishioners through all stages of adulthood with our supportive community, resources, and tailored activities.

We want to touch lives with hope, healing, joy, and the richness of our Catholic faith centered in Jesus Christ - Always seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and under the patronage of “The Holy Family.”

St. Mary’s Adult Ministry meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 9-10am in Room 1 of the Parish Hall to share ideas for future adult events and offer support for ongoing projects and activities. Please join us.

The Women’s Rosary Group

The Women’s Rosary Group meet every 3rd Wednesday from 11:30am to 1:30pm in Room 7 of the Parish Hall. The women bring their own lunch, pray the rosary and share in fellowship.

Please join us.

St. Mary’s

Men’s Prayer Group

St. Mary’s Men’s Prayer Group meet every Wednesday at 7:00am in Room 5 of the Parish Hall. All parish brothers are invited to join for coffee and faith-filled discussions that apply to day-to-day life in a relaxed setting. Please join us.

Hearts and Hands

Hearts and Hands meet every Monday from 11:30am - 1:00pm in Room 7 of the Parish Hall. All parishioners ae invited to learn and share information about crocheting and knitting. Items made are donated to much need organizations in our community. Please join us.

Helping Hands Funeral Reception Ministery

Call Marie Hernandez at (707)-718-6471 for further information.

The Holy Family Grief Support Group

Funeral Services Ministry

Call or text Yolanda Garcia-Martinez at (707)567-9130 or email at for further information

The Funeral Services Ministry assists planning the funeral liturgy with readings, songs, and any other liturgical concerns. If you are planning a funeral, please contact St Mary’s Parish Office at 707-448-2390. If you would like to join in this indispensable ministry, please contact Debi Sells or the parish office.