Are you a Baptized Catholic?
Did you receive First Communion as a child?
Are you 16 years old to 106?
Did you know that Adult Confirmation is the completion of baptismal grace?
What better way to fill your mind and your heart with Jesus than complete what you started as a child - by completing your sacraments.
With the sacrament of Confirmation, you are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit (CCC1285). Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?
St. Mary’s offers Adult Confirmation Classes twice a year - beginning in late February or early March, in order to receive Confirmation at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on the Vigil of Pentecost, as well as classes beginning in mid-August to receive Confirmation at St. Mary’s Parish in the early November.
To register for classes or find out more information about adult faith formation, please contact Wyman Adcock at 707-372-8919 or wymanadcock@gmail.com.