Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners,
As we continue to journey together during this new civil year and during Ordinary Time, I would like to highlight some of the happenings in our parish and in the Diocese of Sacramento in the coming months:
· Friday, Jan 21, 2022, Diocesan Day of Reparation
Bishop Soto has designated January 21st as a Diocesan Day of Reparation for the evils of abortion which was legalized in the United States in 1973. All are asked to observe this Day of Reparation through fasting, prayer, penance and works of mercy. Bishop Soto will be offering a special pro-life Mass at the Cathedral in Sacramento on Friday, Jan 21st, at 12:10p.
· Sat, Jan 22, 2022, West Coast Walk for Life
This annual event in San Francisco is a peaceful and prayerful witness to the precious gift of life. Seats are still available on the bus leaving from St. Mary’s. Please see elsewhere in this bulletin for more information.
· Sun, Jan 30-Feb 5, 2022, Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
More information to come.
· Sat, Feb 12th, 9:30a, World Marriage Day Mass with Bishop Soto,
St Lawrence The Martyr Parish, 4325 Don Julio Blvd., North Highlands
During this live-streamed Mass, there will be a special blessing for sacramentally married couples and an opportunity for them to renew their marital commitment. After Mass, there will be an opportunity to receive a blessing and picture with Bishop Soto. Special certificates will be distributed at the reception honoring couples celebrating milestone anniversaries (10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you plan to attend, please register at:
· Weds, Mar 2nd, Ash Wednesday
With Ash Wednesday, we begin our annual six-week pilgrimage with Our Lord as He journeys to His Death and Resurrection for our salvation.
Please note that our Annual Crab Feed was moved from February 5th to April 23th. We pray that 2022 be filled with many blessings for our parish!
In Christ Jesus,
Father Berg