Becoming Catholic /OCIA

 Have you been wondering about God?

Do you feel like there is something missing in your life?

Does it seem as though you have a spiritual yearning deep within you that is not fulfilled?

Do you feel as though God is calling you in some internal way?

Do you long for more meaning to your life or the life of your family?


If questions like these have been on your mind, then maybe now is the time to respond.

If you are unbaptized, would you like to learn more about the Catholic faith?

If you were baptized in another faith, are you thinking about becoming a Catholic?

                                                                                                                                                                                If you were baptized in a Catholic Church as child, but have stepped away for a time, the time to come home to the Catholic Church is today.

If you have been thinking about becoming Catholic, we would be very pleased to invite you to take the next step. Come find out more about all of beauty, depth and richness that the Catholic faith has to offer.

The O.C.I.A., the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (also called RCIA), is the way the Catholic Church welcomes new and returning adults and young adults to live a Christian life.  Learning more about God and developing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ is something that is truly wonderful!

The O.C.I.A. is a journey of faith. It takes time to properly form an adult understanding of the Catholic way of life. The church wishes to form mature Christians who have learned about the faith through instruction and prayer, in order that they may live lives centered on God.

The O.C.I.A. is modeled after the process of the early Church when adults who wanted to become Christian went through various periods of learning and growth. The length of time by which that formation takes depends somewhat on the individuals themselves. Each section of the journey is marked in periods. The initial period is called the Inquiry. During this section you can learn about the Catholic faith and discern if you would like to continue learning more. No pressure. No commitment required. Please come find some answers to the questions burning within you.

At St. Mary’s Parish, we offer online learning as a part of the format, and there are no fees or costs to enroll. You may reach out to the coordinator of St. Mary’s Parish OCIA, Wyman Adcock, either by phone at 707-372-8919 or by email at

Jesus said, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).  The abundance of God’s love is ready to be poured into your heart.

If you would like to know more, please submit a message to the OCIA coordinator. If you would like a call back, please include your phone number. Thank you.