Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners,
Some of you may have heard that our parish hall and St. Mary’s Food Locker have been burglarized at least three times over the last few weeks. A couple of computers, two televisions and a computer projector were stolen. Our parish hall gets much use. It is used for faith formation meetings and classes and various St. Mary’s apostolates and ministries meet regularly in the hall. We have some office space in the hall and the Food Locker certainly uses the hall. Many parishioners have access to the hall. I would just like to remind everyone to please ensure that the doors are locked when you are finished with your meeting or activity in the hall. Often, when Fr. Joseph and I check for unlocked doors in the hall and in the church in the evening, we not only find one or more doors unlocked, but also ajar. Whatever time of day it is, if you are finished with your meeting or gathering in a particular room, please make sure the door or doors are closed tight behind you and locked. Thank you!
When it comes to our relationship with God, however, we do not want to lock our doors. Advent is a time to unlock our hearts and allow God’s grace to flow into our lives. I encourage you to do all that you can to grow in the faith and in your friendship with Jesus this Advent. Push yourself to do something you would not ordinarily do. Read a spiritual book. Try to attend daily Mass once or twice or more during the week. Help to feed the homeless through one of our parish outreach apostolates. Listen to or watch something on Participate in one of the virtual bible studies at St. Mary’s. Pray the Rosary. Go to confession. Visit a loved one in convalescent home. These are just a few suggestions of spiritual exercises that you can take up this Advent. There are many others. Advent is a time to unlock our hearts to God so that we can be ready to receive the infant Jesus at Christmas.
May you have a blessed Advent!
In Christ,
Fr. Berg