From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners,
Thank you to all who attended our annual “Youth Group Fundraiser Dinner” last Saturday evening. As always, it is good to come together as a parish, to visit with each other in a relaxed setting and to enjoy some good food. As a community of faith, it is important that we spend time together in different ways. It is true that, for the most part, we come together at Sunday Mass and we pray together as a community of faith. While our worship is preeminent among our actions as a parish, it is only part of who we are. St. Mary’s is a diverse parish with weekend Masses in three languages, attended by parishioners of all different ages, born in a number of different countries and who are full of life’s experience and blessed with distinct personalities. This diversity of our parishioners brings much richness to our community as we walk with Jesus on the road to greater holiness.
Of course, the key to our common journey as a parish is that each of us is always trying to grow closer to Jesus. As a part of the Body of Christ, each of us knows that it is imperative to stay connected to the Head of the Body, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI explained it this way in his 2008 Corpus Christi Homily: “Each one can find his own way if he encounters the One who is the Word and the Bread of Life and lets himself be guided by his friendly presence. Without the God-with-us, the God who is close, how can we stand up to the pilgrimage through life, either on our own or as society and the family of peoples? The Eucharist is the Sacrament of the God who does not leave us alone on the journey but stays at our side and shows us the way. Indeed, it is not enough to move onwards, one must also see where one is going!” (Corpus Christi Homily, May 22, 2008) So, yes, we see where we are going because Jesus is ahead of us leading the way and we keep our eyes on Him.
Getting back to the Youth Group dinner…I just want to say that it was a ton of fun! Wonderful people, good music, delicious food and fun games. True, it was a bit windy, but that did not dampen our spirits. Thank you to everyone who made the evening a success. I am grateful to Andreya Arevalo, Youth Minister, and to our youth who put in many hours of preparation for the event, planning the event, setting up the venue and working the booths during the evening. Thank you to our John Paul II Council 4901 Knights of Columbus for grilling the burgers and hot dogs. Thank you to all who donated raffle prizes, drinks, food, desserts and for your energy, hard work and time! And, thank you, again, to all who supported the event and attended the evening.
Speaking of parish events, please remember that we have another more modest event coming up next weekend after the Saturday evening 5p Mass. We will have a reception for Fr. Joseph outside the main entrance to the church by the fountains. You might recall that Fr. Joseph arrived at St. Mary’s last July 1st. He was not here long, before I left for a three-month sabbatical in mid-August. Talk about a trial by fire! But I must say that I was most pleased how well everything went in my absence due to Fr. Joseph’s leadership, our gifted staff and our many volunteers who tackle many important tasks behind the scenes. Please consider coming to the reception on Saturday, May 21st, at 6p. Following the reception, the Parish Council has organized a showing of the movie “Pray, the Story of Patrick Peyton” in our parish hall. Some of you perhaps remember Father Peyton. He is the one who coined the phrase: “The family that prays together, stays together.” Fr. Peyton had a huge devotion to praying the Rosary and did much to encourage others to pray the Rosary. Don’t miss this wonderful movie! Also, speaking of the Rosary, don’t forget about the Rosary Crusade in Sacramento on Saturday, May 28, which is advertised elsewhere in this bulletin. May you have a blessed week!
In Jesus through Mary,
Father Berg