Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners:
No doubt, you have probably noticed that we have re-started a second collection for the “Building and Maintenance Fund” on the fourth Sunday of the month at the Sunday Masses. Although we are not building anything right now, we do have ongoing maintenance needs. When you give to the Building and Maintenance Fund, all the money stays right here in the parish. Different from the regular Sunday collection, of which a portion is sent to the Diocese, all of the financial contributions to the Building Fund go towards our parish building and maintenance needs. Therefore, you may have noticed that recently we were able to purchase some new microphone and music stands. In addition, we plan to replace some of the old speakers in the church that are no longer working, mainly the speakers for the organ and the monitors that are in the choir area. Another not-so-little project was to upgrade our security in the hall. We had some issues recently with security in the hall after hours and so have been addressing those.
To be sure, the overseeing of the material well-being of the parish is an important task. And just as the body and soul are intertwined, so too the material and spiritual well-being go together in a parish. In this light, I am very grateful for our parish leaders who give of their time, energy and gifts to ensure that St. Mary’s continues to be a beautiful place for worship, formation and outreach. Without naming names, which always bears the risk of leaving someone’s name not mentioned, I think of the leaders and the members of our Environment Committee who spend many hours making our church so beautiful. Our church is always beautiful, but it was especially beautiful during Advent and Christmas seasons. I think of parishioners who are leading in area of Adult Faith Formation (including Baptism and Marriage Prep, RCIA and Bible Study), Respect Life and the Gabriel Project. What a blessing it is to have so many participate in the on-line bible study classes and the busload of parishioners who attended the West Coast Walk for Life in San Francisco, not to mention the accompaniment of expectant mothers who come to us through Project Gabriel!
I am grateful to our sacristans who work very hard and often attend multiple Masses on the weekends, to make sure that things are set-up and put away after our Masses. I think of those of you who give of your time to serve as catechists for our younger parishioners and those who bring Holy Communion to the homebound. I give thanks to God for all those who serve the needy through our St. Mary’s Food Locker, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Soup for the Soul and Feed My People. I am grateful to our readers, ushers, musicians, altar servers, choir members, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and the faithful who launder the finger towels and purificators used at Mass. All of these parish leaders give of themselves to make sure that our Masses go smoothly. I give thanks for those who provide meals for our youth on Sunday evenings and who volunteer their time and talents to supporting our youth ministry program. St. Mary’s provides a wonderful service to parishioners by offering a religious articles store. Yet, to take on such an endeavor requires a team of dedicated volunteers. St. Mary’s is blessed by a strong council of the Knights of Columbus (St. John Paul II Vaca Valley Council #4901), an active Legion of Mary, Santo Nino de Cebu Society, Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee and the Charismatic Prayer Group. The members of our Helping Hands Ministry are always very generous in giving of their time to providing receptions to faithful after a funeral Mass. As pastor, I rely greatly on the counsel of the members of the Parish and Finance Councils. I don’t know where I’d be without them!
Of course, we all are in this together and we give of ourselves to these various apostolates and ministries for God’s greater glory and honor. Through our actions and words, we have the amazing privilege to be the hands, feet, eyes, face and ears of Christ to others. Undergirding our parish activity is our need for time spent in the Lord’s presence. What a beautiful witness that so many come for Eucharistic Adoration on weekday afternoons between 3p and 6:30p and all those who come for our daily and Sunday Masses and who take advantage of the Sacrament of Confession, not to mention those who ask for Baptism for their children and who seek to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage. Please know that as a pastor of souls, I find your witness most edifying and encouraging. May the good Lord continue to bless our work and bring it to fulfillment! May you have a blessed week.
In Christ Jesus,
Fr. Blaise R. Berg