Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners:
What a wonderful gathering we had last Saturday! I think anyone who was able to come to the get-together will agree that it was a lot of fun. Our St. Mary’s Youth Group came up with a 50’s theme for the evening. The Solano Classic Car Club provided a dozen or so cars from the 50’s and other decades for our perusal and examination. I especially enjoyed the 1966 Peterbilt with the extended sleeper cab exhibited by a member or the American Truck Historical Society. Music was provided by the School of Rock. The songs weren’t quite from the 50’s, but the high-school aged band members played and sang with much energy and talent. The burgers and hot dogs were grilled by our Knights of Columbus Council 4901 brothers. Carnival games were facilitated by the members of the youth group.
As always, we give thanks to God when we are able to come together as a parish and enjoy each other’s company, some good food and some good fun. In addition to thanking our Creator and Redeemer, I want to thank our Youth Minister, Andreya Arevalo, the members of St. Mary’s Youth Group and their parents, the core team, Alvaro Arevalo, Andreya’s husband who is always so helpful, and the Knights of Columbus Council 4901. Thank you to all of you who donated raffle items and yummy desserts! Thank you to all of you who came and participated in the evening. After slogging through the past year of the pandemic and the restrictions and distancing that has gone along with it, I think we all enjoyed being in each other’s company and visiting with each other. And, of course, by supporting the event, you support our youth group. God willing, we will have another parish gathering in the not too distant future.
As we continue to forge ahead during this Easter season and spring season, we are also fully in the “sacrament” season. Last Saturday our Notre Dame School Second Graders received the Eucharist for the first time, as they made their First Holy Communion. On Saturday afternoon, May 8th, Bishop Jaime Soto conferred the Notre Dame Seventh Graders the Sacrament of Confirmation. The students in our Religious Education program are also preparing for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. For most of the academic year, parents have been catechizing their children at home. Our catechists check in with our parents on a regular basis and Martha Batres-Martin, DRE, organized monthly meetings for the parents to come together for formation. At the beginning of each month, Sr. Eileen, Sr. Adriana, Fr. Steven, I and other catechists gave presentations on the material the parents would be teaching their children during that month. At the monthly meetings, parents had the chance to break-out in small groups with catechists and
We are in “classroom mode” now for the stretch run leading up to First Communion and Confirmation, as the Confirmation students and the First Communicants are meeting once a week for six weeks for catechesis in our parish hall. Please continue to pray for our younger parishioners who will be making their First Communion the weekend of June 5th and 6th and for our Confirmation students who will be confirmed in late August. And, please pray for their parents who work hard to pass on the faith to their children!
Finally, on Mothers’ Day, we want to thank God for all of our mothers: those still living and those who have passed on to their eternal reward. We would not be here without our mothers. We take this occasion to pray for all mothers and especially to praise and honor our Blessed Mother. Under St. Mary’s mantle, may all mothers find protection, guidance and consolation. St. Mary, pray for us!
In the Resurrected Lord,
Father Berg