Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners:
What an amazing season of Lent we just celebrated! Perhaps, it seems like a while ago, and I suppose it was, but you recall that Lent began with our observance of Ash Wednesday on February 17th. Over the course of the past six weeks, our (now) neophytes and candidates for full communion participated in more proximate preparation for full initiation in the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Wyman Adcock, along with or RCIA team of Deacon Rob and Sherry Vandergraaf and Gina Keck, led teleconferences on Tuesday evenings as our Elect and Candidates continued their formation in the Catholic faith. Fr. Steven, Deacon Rob and I celebrated Baptisms a couple of Saturdays a month, as usual. Fr. Steven and I heard between 80 and 100 hours of confessions during Lent. Also, we continued to anoint the sick and hospitalized as needed and even celebrated a few weddings and con-validations.
Needless to say, our outreach to the poor was going full bore during Lent. St. Mary’s Food Locker assisted and continues to help folks in need. Those of you at the Holy Thursday Mass might recall that, during the homily, when I was talking about Our Lord’s mandate to serve each other, I mentioned how during the Mass, folks were driving in to pick up groceries at the Food Locker and how it seemed appropriate that they be doing so. Similarly, while I celebrated the Saturday evening English and Spanish Masses on the Vigil of Palm Sunday, I noted what a beautiful witness it was to the fruit of Our Lord’s death on the Cross that penitents were lined up for the confessional as Fr. Steven heard confessions for five hours straight. I am glad to report also that our St. Vincent de Paul apostolate continues to respond to requests for assistance for housing, gas and groceries. And, our prayer apostolates were especially strong during Lent. Many faithful participated in our weekday Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Monday through Friday from 3p to 6:30p. A number of us prayed at the Planned Parenthood in Fairfield during the 40 Days for Life campaign. To be sure, it was most edifying how many participated in our Friday evening “Stations of the Cross” in English and Spanish. Daily and Sunday Masses were also well attended throughout Lent.
As we continue to rejoice in the risen Savior throughout the 50 days of Easter season, my hope is that we continue the good work that has begun in us! If we feel that Lent was super fruitful on account of the spiritual exercises and works of charity that we undertook, all the more reason to want to continue them. If you, like me, feel that our Lent could have been even more fruitful had we committed ourselves a bit more to our spiritual practices, corporal and spiritual works of mercy, why not challenge ourselves more during this Easter season? In the end, it’s all about growing closer to our risen Lord and walking with Him and each other as we prepare for our ultimate pilgrimage to heaven.
A most blessed Easter season to you all!
In the Resurrected Lord,
Father Berg