Dear St. Mary’s Parishioners,
Some time ago, Fr. Steven Wood and I talked about having an occasional feature in the bulletin when one of us might highlight a podcast, website, book, video, movie or some other media that could help one to grow in the Catholic faith. I have mentioned from time to time a website called “The Catholic Thing” (TCT). ( TCT is overseen by Robert Royal whom you may have seen on EWTN. Mr. Royal and Fr. Gerald Murray form the “papal posse” which appears from time to time on Raymond Arroyo’s Thursday evening show called “The World Over Live”. I receive an article every morning from TCT in my email. I do not always read the contribution, but I have found that when I do read one of the articles, I usually learn something I didn’t already know. Recently, I read an article by Fr. Jerry Pokorsky. Fr. Pokorsky is a priest of the Diocese of Arlington (Virginia) whom I had seen in mid-October when I was in that part of country for a Natural Family Planning Symposium organized by the U.S. Bishops’ Conference. I don’t know Fr. Pokorsky very well, but I know him well enough to know that he has a wicked sense of humor. When I met up with him in October, the occasion was a dinner gathering of 7 or 8 Arlington priests at a priest friend’s rectory in McLean, VA. At one point during the dinner, Fr. Pokorsky and another priest were taking turns telling jokes that were keeping us quite entertained. I’ve always admired a good (and, yes, clean) joke teller, because I can’t remember jokes very well at all.
Anyway, let’s talk about Fr. Pokorsky’s December 4th article from the TCT. The article is entitled: “Appropriating the Christmas Appropriators” and the main premise is that we live at a time when there is a tendency to scrub out of our culture anything that might be remotely Christian. Fr. Pokorsky makes the important point that it does not seem right that atheists make money off of Christmas and then turn around and label Christians as intolerant. He writes (ironically): “I have no problem with atheists making an honest buck off Christmas. But when an atheistic culture cashes in on Jesus while impugning His followers as intolerant and hateful, it’s time to rise up and, well, claim victim status.”
Fr. Pokorsky lists some examples of Christian-themed elements of Christmas whose true meaning have been obscured by our secular culture:
1. Christmas tree: With its evergreen leaves, the Christmas tree points to Jesus who gives us everlasting life. Moreover, the Christmas tree reminds Christians of Christ on the cross who was nailed to the wood of a tree.
2. Christmas wreath: The circular wreath symbolizes God, the Beginning and End of all things.
3. Holly: With its pointy leaves, holly symbolizes the crown of thorns that Jesus wore during his Passion. The berries represent the drops of blood from our Lord as He made His way to the cross.
4. Christmas lights and candles: Our Christmas lights point to Christ, our light.
5. Christmas tree star: The star reminds us of the star that guided the magi to the location of the Holy Family.
6. Candy canes: These sweet candies remind us of the staff carried by the shepherds who were among the first witnesses of the newborn King.
I refer you to Fr. Pokorsky’s article for the rest of the examples he gives.
While Father’s article is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, he concludes with some very good advice:
In the meantime, during Advent, Christians may continue to prepare for our Savior’s birthday with a good Confession and light penitential practices: “Prepare the way of the Lord, [and] make his paths straight.” (Lk. 3:4) Amidst a harsh, barren, intolerant, and ugly culture, let’s adorn the sanctuaries of our churches and homes with the symbols of Christmas: twinkling lights, evergreens, candy, and gifts – the reminders of Jesus and the sweetness of the Gospels. On Christmas Day, let’s gather around the decorated Christmas tree and the Nativity Scene and sing hymns of peace and joy. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Silent Night. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. At need, even throw in the Elvis Christmas album for good measure.
Amen brother! Blessed Advent to you all!
In Christ,
Fr. Berg